5 Best Free Website Traffic Methods
In today’s world, a website is a digital platform from where you can do pretty much anything. From reading news on your favorite topics to buying courses about something you want to learn. Indeed, having a website is important if you want to share or offer something to the world.
And even though millions of people create websites every day, there’s one thing most of them struggle with. Traffic. So, here’s the thing. Getting noticed when you are new at something is very difficult. Well, the same thing happens with pretty much anything. A blog, a website, a Youtube channel.
Ahhh so stressing! Wouldn’t you wish to just know how to attract the audience you want and have them see your site? I know I would. Well, no need to worry anymore. Today, I’m going to share with you some of the best free methods you can start using today to get the visitors that you deserve.
5. Posting In Facebook Groups
The first method includes posting in Facebook groups. So, there’s no need to be a genius to know Facebook is a site full of potential when it comes to redirecting traffic. As a matter of fact, the multinational company is the largest social media platform in the world. It has over 2 billion users around the globe and there’s literally nothing you cannot find on the site.
If we take this into consideration, I think it’s pretty easy to conclude that whatever you are interested in, there’s a group for it. You see, Facebook groups are designed for people to interact and share their thoughts on a particular something. Moreover, they are an excellent way for anyone to drive traffic to their website without actually spamming other people.
For example, I am very interested in comics, movies, and entertainment in general. Therefore, I join Facebook groups that share the things that I like. The most recent of them all is, “Best Netflix TV Shows and Movies to watch”
There, I find numerous posts that link me to websites where I can find articles about movies or shows I’m interested in watching. And I can bet I’m not the only one who clicks on these posts.
Now, the same thing happens with all the groups on Facebook. Whatever group you join will have valuable content. So, all you need to do is to join as many Facebook groups related to your niche and start posting things you know people will want to read.
That way you can redirect them to your website and grab their attention offering something you know they will want.

4. Answering Questions On Quora
The second method consists of using Quora to get people to visit your website. And just as we did in the previous case, we are going to use comics and movies as an example of how this method could actually work. Actually, we are going to use comics and movies as a general example for all the upcoming methods on this list.
Okay, let’s imagine that you have a “Movies and Comics” related website. Your goal is to get people to read the things you post on your website so that you start gaining exposure. To make it better, we are going to imagine that you know everything about the latest DC movie, THE JOKER.
So, you write an article on the subject and post it on your website. Instead of waiting for someone to come across the article (Which is pretty difficult if you are just getting started) Go to Quora and start to indirectly take people to your site.
The way to do this is to answer questions that are related to what you have to share. So, if you wrote about the Joker, go to Quora and look for questions such as “What is the origin of the Joker?” Then, simply answer the question and leave a link to the full article from your website where people can learn more about that. Repeat the process with as many questions as you can think, and you will start getting the views you want.

3. Commenting On Blogs
Just as this one, there are tons of blogs out there. Again, there’s a blog for anything you like. So, if you feel like reading about superheroes, you just need to look for such a term on Google and voilá. Now, this method is pretty similar to all the others.
All you need to do is find a popular blog and explore the articles with most interactions so that you can comment about your site. But, please, for the love of God, don’t spam people. Seriously, nobody likes spam. What you can do to drive traffic to your site is to comment on an article and then add a little something at the end.
For example, let’s say you read a blog post about the benefits of reading comics as a kid. So, what you want to do is to go to the comment section and write something like, “I agree completely, but I think there are some negative things as well. I think I read something about it here -> (And then you paste a link to a relevant article posted to your blog).
This is just a very vague example. I know for sure you can do much better.

2. Creating Youtube Videos
Uh! This one is my favorite by far. You see, I am actually a part-time Youtuber who creates Facts related videos. And the traffic that videos on Youtube get, is just INSANE. Once again we are going to take the movies niche as an example.
Let’s imagine that you have a website where you sell T-shirts with famous movies stamps. Creating videos about movies and then building an audience can help you to then promote your products and your website. However, you do need to consider that starting on Youtube is not easy as many people usually think.
But, if you are constant and actually manage to get to people using such a platform. Then, you are in for a life of success.

1. Using Forwarded Traffic — Simple Traffic
Finally, let’s talk about the easiest method of them all. Forwarded traffic. So, there are multiple websites that offer to deliver visitors to your website for a price. However, there are only a few of them that are actually worth the try.
You see, there was a time when I had no idea what forwarded traffic was. I was all about growing my blog organically. But, then I found out that I could have huge sites to deliver visitors to read my articles for a small fee. While I thought about paying for such a thing, I decided not to go through with it.
But, then I ended up finding a site where I could get free traffic without actually having to spend any money (Simple Traffic). I gave it a try believe it or not I started getting lots of new comments on my posts.
So, here’s the thing. I’m actually glad to have found this site, and I think it’s just fair to share my experience using it for free. Simple Traffic is a website from where you can get real visitors to your website and have an audience that interacts with what you post.
Of course, there is a paid version of this service. But I would strongly suggest that you go ahead and used the 5 days free trial first. See how it works and then come back to thank me.